Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Billy's Bucket

When @Billy_Bucket tweeted us asking for our help to find his missing sea creatures, we really wanted to help him! He asked us to make some posters to find his sea creatures. We tried to use some adjectives to describe the creatures. Have you seen any of them?

Friday, 12 September 2014

Can you help?

When we heard about the fire at Manchester Dogs' Home today, we were so sad!

We remembered all the people helped us when we had a fire in our school, like the fire fighters and ASDA who made sure all of us had a nice dinner that day.

We wanted to  help make sure the dogs who survived were well looked after and comfy in their new home with plenty of food.

To try and get lots of people to help too, we made some posters and a video.

Please have a look and see if you can do anything to help the dogs.