Friday, 6 February 2015

Police dog visit!

We were so lucky today because we had a visit from some police officers. They talked about how our actions have consequences in assembly. After that, they brought a dog round to visit our class, We loved finding out about Charlotte the dog!

Toy Art and D.T.

 We really enjoyed looking at Andy Warhol's pop art toy paintings. We had a go at making our own. We did this by drawing out our favourite toys on to a polystyrene tile. We then printed the picture four different times, with four different colours.

We also made some roly poly toys! We decided which way was best to fix tubes to wheels. We did this to make sure our roly poly toy was secure. We then choose the way we wanted to attach our wheels. We could attach the wheels to our toy to make it dither, wander or race. We loved making our toys! What do you think of our work?

The Toy Box who was naughty!

What a busy few weeks we have had! We've been learning about toys and trying to write toy poems but strange things kept happening which stopped us. 

First, some of us saw some unusual things around school whilst going to our phonics lessons. We came back to class and told each other what we had seen and then we decided we wanted to investigate! We went on a toy hunt and searched and searched our school and eventually we found lots of toys with tags on. 

When we took them back to class we had to sort out the tags so that we could read the message that the toys were sending us. It said 'Please help us. We are afraid of the toy box!' We all wondered why the toys might be frightened of the toy box. 

We came up with lots of ideas. We all wrote our thoughts in a thought bubble.

After this, the toys escaped again. This time they were holding arrows and, when we followed these arrows, we found the toy box! He was really scary so we had to bring him back to class carefully. This is what he looks like:

We made warning signs for Mr John and the rest of the school to keep them away from him!

When we opened the toy box, we found a poem all about a naughty toy box. We liked the poem so much that we wanted to write our own. Do you like our poems?