Thursday, 6 February 2014

The Toy Hunt!

This morning some of us saw some unusual things around school whilst going to our phonics lessons. We came back to class and told each other what we had seen and then we decided we wanted to investigate! We searched and searched our school and eventually we found lots of toys with tags on. 

When we took them back to class we had to sort out the tags so that we could read the message that the toys were sending us. It said 'Please help us. We are afraid of the toy box!' We all wondered why the toys might be frightened of the toy box. 

We came up with lots of ideas. What do you think of them?

"The toy box might be dark and spooky." Aidan
"I think the toy box might have fallen over." Saoirse
"They might be afraid because when you close the lid the other toys might be scaring and touching them." Louis
"Maybe they're scared of the toy box because it's dark and rusty." Hollie
"The toys might be trapped in the toy box and some toys might glow in the dark and scare the other toys away." Macari
"It might have been too dark and the doll with glowing eyes might have looked like a zombie!" Ellie

We all wrote our thoughts in a thought bubble and we can't wait until we find out what the toy box has been doing!