Friday, 21 March 2014

Traditional Tales

Over the next few weeks we are going to be looking at different fairy tale stories. We will be doing lots of fun activities to help us learn all about them and we will finish the unit with writing our own version of a fairy tale story!

We have started this week with Jack and the Beanstalk. We tried to learn the story with actions to help us.

The video will follow (as soon as Miss O'Donnell works out how to put it on!)

Today, after watching parts of this video... 

...we decided to do a quick piece of writing about what happened when the beanstalk started to grow! What do you think of our writing?


  1. "Roaring thunder and flashing lightening" wow! Great descriptions y1. My y1's have made collages about where we are in the world. I will tweet our blog to your teacher :)

  2. Wow Year 1 you have been busy - what fabulous descriptions and wonderful handwriting!
