Friday, 4 April 2014

Twitter Wolf!

Yesterday, Year 1 were so lucky because the missing wolf decided to talk to us. He found us on twitter and then followed us. We came up with lots of interesting questions to ask him and we found out that, although he is a really scary, sly wolf, he is also a bit soppy too!

After speaking to the wolf yesterday and finding out that he was too scared to come out of hiding, we were so shocked this morning when we found his footprints all over our tables in class. We think he might be visiting our class in the dark of night...


  1. This is fab! Ben has been telling me all about the Big Bad Wolf! I think that you are all very brave and this brings back memories of when I was 6! x

  2. Saoirse has been telling us about the Blog and we think it's great. ;-)
